Wednesday 25 May 2016

Our Second POD Day

In our Pod groups today we learnt to create 3 different types of art from around the world.  In Room 2 we made Maori clay pots, 

in Room 21 we explored the seven elements of art through Aboriginal art.  There is evidence of a variety of textures, lines, shapes, and colours.  Form and space are used to create a story.  Also, the work is sometimes bright and happy but sometimes it is dark and moody.  

and in Room 25 we studied the art of Samoa.

We're looking forward to the next POD sessions so we can explore more stories around the world through art.


  1. It was fantastic to see the learners work with different materials, I especially liked to see you working with clay. What difficulties did you find when working with material like clay? How do you think people got the clay to go hard if they were using it to hold water? Mr Barratt

    1. We were very pleased to hear from you Mr Barratt, and thank you for your questions.
      The main challenge we faced was the fact that we didn't have enough clay to practise a couple of times on before producing the final product (after discovering this with the first group, we thought it might be a good idea to practise next time with playdough).
      In the old days Ipu (the Maori word for 'vessel') were actually made out of gourds (kind of like a butternut pumpkin) that were hollowed out, then left to dry hard in the sun. Because they were solid all the way through there weren't any problems with leakage. If we wanted to make our Ipu water resistant, we would have to fire our clay pots, then have them glazed and fired again.

  2. The Maori clay pots are so interesting! How cool to be using a different medium and discovering different textures. You have inspired Room 5 to do some similar artwork this coming week. :)
    Miss Berry

    1. Thank you Miss Berry! Yes, it has been a very new and exciting learning experience for most of the children and Mrs Sigley working with clay - we hope to be able to do more of this in the future.

  3. The Maori clay pots are so interesting! How cool to be using a different medium and discovering different textures. You have inspired Room 5 to do some similar artwork this coming week. :)
    Miss Berry

  4. What a great way to explore other cultures, create, and have fun. Can't wait to see more. Are you going to post photos of the finished results? What project was the most fun?

  5. I can't wait to see the finished work.

    1. Thank you Pammie. You can see some more pictures now. What do you think? - Kayah and Nihinsa

  6. Wow- the clay pots look amazing! I bet you all enjoyed making these- what a fun thing to do :) Are you going to put anything into your clay pots?

  7. I love the clay pots! What a creative way to explore art from different cultures. They look great!
    Miss Johnstone

  8. Wow they are amazing! I bet everyone had such a great time using clay and they've done such a good job!

    Miss Jackson

  9. Wow! Your class is very lucky to have gotten to work with clay. They look amazing, and clay has been used for years and years and years!!!

  10. Great to see hands-on activities. The clay pots look amazing. Also loved seeing the children exploring happy feelings and gloomy feelings.

  11. You are all showing such focus and attention to detail. I also love the way you are cooperating with one another. Great stuff team :)
